Tour Details

Dates:3rd of Jul - 10th of Jul 2026
Group Size:Minimum 4, Maximum 12 guests
Grading:Generally easy paced. Some high altitude sites are steep in places, but guests have the option to stay on flatter ground.
PricesFull price: £1,595.00 / person Single room supplement: £195.00 / person Deposit: £150.00 / person
Price includes: Accommodation, all meals, ground transportation, services of your guides, and a holiday report
Not included: International travel, drinks and other personal items, holiday insurance

Tour Highlights

  • Around 120-135 species will be seen during the course of the tour, with 140+ not impossible.

  • The line-up of heavyweight desirables is long so this list is not exhaustive, but the main species we will be seeking are Cynthia’s Fritillary, Small Apollo, Southern Comma, Alpine Blue, Sooty Ringlet, Balkan Fritillary, Alpine Grayling, False Mnestra Ringlet, Grison’s Fritillary, Alpine Grizzled Skipper, Mountain Alcon Blue, Blind Ringlet, Peak White, Silvery Argus, Meleager’s Blue, Spanish Purple Hairstreak, Foulquier’s Grizzled Skipper & Glandon Blue.

  • To maximise the range of butterflies we encounter, we will use two bases for this extended holiday. The first is in Rimplas at the southern end of the Mercantour Park, whilst the second is in the ski resort of Vars which is perfectly located to access the best sites in the stunningly beautiful Queyras region.

  • A donation will be made to Butterfly Conservation Europe, supporting proactive research and conservation.

Tour Description

We’ve been exploring the French Alps for many years now, returning summer after summer to immerse ourselves in the huge range of butterflies to be found in the region at peak flight season in early July. The significant altitude and area encompassed by the Mercantour and Queyras National Parks ensure that this tour is absolutely jam-packed with butterflies from start to finish, giving both the spectacle of some species on the wing in immense numbers, and a fine selection of scarce and downright hard-to-find species as the cherry on the cake.

We base ourselves in two hotels over the course of the tour, all the better to reduce daily time on the road and to maximise time in the field, and to allow us to greatly enlarge the overall geographic scope of the tour. Our first hotel, in the heart of the Mercantour National Park, is one we’ve returned to time and again – it is small, charming and family-run, with a sunny terrace to enjoy a cold drink upon that encompasses a magnificent panoramic view of the mountains.

As base for the first few days of the tour, it’s superb, with excellent butterfly-hunting potential on our very doorstep. Seventy species can be seen within walking distance of the hotel, including such desirables as Poplar Admiral Limenitis populi, Southern Comma Polygonia egea, and Meleager’s Blue Meleageria daphnis. The village in which we stay has many flower-rich gardens which lure a host of butterflies to come to us – and a very short walk puts us amongst wildflowers and fruit trees in the countryside that attract more besides, including Baton Blue Pseudophilotes baton and Chequered Blue Scolitantides orion, in addition to several hairstreaks and maybe the odd Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros.

Short drives from here will greatly expand upon this strong start, taking us to a range of sites that we know will deliver key species like Mountain Alcon Blue Phengaris alcon amongst hordes of other butterflies on the wing. Our exploration will eventually lead us up through the Tinée valley to the Col de la Bonnette, the highest road pass in Europe at a shade over 2,800m. We’ll visit flower-rich alpine meadows, woodland margins, and riversides, and expect to find a large range of blues and ringlets in particular, with the likes of Alpine Blue Plebejus orbitulus and False Mnestra Ringlet Erebia aethiopella high on our list of targets.

We’ll expect to do particularly well for Erebia ringlets during the tour, and anticipate seeing double figures of these species alone, hopefully including such highlights as Marbled Ringlet Erebia montana, Silky Ringlet Erebia gorge, Blind Ringlet Erebia pharte, Sooty Ringlet Erebia pluto, and Dewy Ringlet Erebia pandrose.

Fritillaries too will feature highly in the daily sightings, and we’ll anticipate encountering over twenty species, paying particular attention to montane specialties like Cynthia’s Fritillary Euphydryas cynthia, Mountain Fritillary Boloria napaea, Grison’s Fritillary Melitaea varia, Shepherd’s Fritillary Boloria pales, and Balkan Fritillary Boloria graeca.

Helping us in our quest for these gems will be our second base of operation, an outstandingly comfortable hotel on the edge of the Queyras National Park. The fine evening meals here are particularly noteworthy, but so too are the butterflies. The Queyras National Park lies close to the border with Italy, and the mountainous scenery here is simply incredible, with gnarled glaciers nosing through jagged peaks, and unspoilt meadows galore to explore. Expect many brilliant wildflowers and birds here in addition to your butterflies – which will, we hope, include such delights as Apollo Parnassius apollo, Small Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne, Mountain Clouded Yellow Colias phicomone, Dusky Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus cacaliae, and maybe such rare fare as Warren’s Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus warrensis and Alpine Grayling Oeneis glacialis.

There are always pleasant surprises on this tour, and we’ll anticipate seeing in the region of 130 species over the course of the days we share with you – fully a quarter of all the European mainland species. This is truly a jewel in the crown of European butterfly-watching.

Tour Leaders

Paul’s been passionate about nature and the environment all his life. In his early teenage years, this began with birdlife, learning most UK bird songs, helping him to identify the last ever breeding Turtle Doves in his home county, Cheshire.

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Emmanuelle is a keen naturalist and former ranger for the National Trust, with a particular interest in butterflies and birds, and wildlife photography in general. She also plays a mean game of petanque!

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Tour Location


Tour Itinerary

  • DAY 1

Meet at Nice airport* and transfer to Rimplas.

Transfer takes little more than an hour so there will be time to explore the fabulous forest track situated behind the hotel in the afternoon.

  • DAY 2

Around Rimplas and La Colmiane

Targets: Dusky Heath Coenonympha dorus, Southern Comma Polygonia egea, False Ilex Hairstreak Satyrium esculi, Great Sooty Satyr Satyrus ferula, Cleopatra Gonepteryx cleopatra, Baton Blue Pseudophilotes baton, Blue-spot Hairstreak Satyrium spini, Southern White Admiral Limenitis reducta, Titania’s Fritillary Boloria titania, Foulquier’s Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus foulquieri, Southern Small White Pieris mannii, Mountain Alcon Blue Phengaris rebeli, Scarce Copper Lycaena virgaureae, and Escher’s Blue Polyommatus escheri.

  • DAY 3

Route to Isola 2000 and Col de la Lombarde.

Targets: Apollo Parnassius apollo, Large Blue Phengaris arion, Purple-edged Copper Lycaena hippothoe, Mountain Clouded Yellow Colias phicomone, Alpine Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus andromedae, Cynthia’s Fritillary Euphydryas cynthia, Mountain Dappled White Euchloe simplonia, Grison’s Fritillary Melitaea varia, Mountain Ringlet Erebia epiphron, Geranium Argus Eumedonia eumedon, and Balkan Fritillary Boloria graeca.

  • DAY 4

Transit Day, via Valberg and Col de la Cayolle.

Targets: Clouded Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne, Mountain Alcon Blue Phengaris rebeli, Silvery Argus Aricia nicias, Darwin’s Heath Coenonympha darwiniana, Alpine Blue Agriades orbitulus, Mountain Fritillary Boloria napaea, False Mnestra Ringlet Erebia aethiopella, Small Apollo Parnassius phoebus, Glandon Blue Agriades glandon, Mountain Green-veined White Pieris bryoniae, and Idas Blue Plebejus idas.

  • DAY 5

Col de Vars, Ceillac.

Targets: Blind Ringlet Erebia pharte, Grison’s Fritillary Melitaea varia, Moorland Clouded Yellow Colias palaeno, Arran Brown Erebia ligea, Alpine Heath Coenonympha gardetta, Amanda’s Blue Polyommatus amandus, Damon Blue Polyommatus damon, Safflower Skipper Pyrgus carthami, Turquoise Blue Polyommatus dorylas, and Spanish Purple Hairstreak Laeosopis roboris.

  • DAY 6

Col Agnel.

Targets: Dewy Ringlet Erebia pandrose, Small Apollo Parnassius phoebus, Alpine Blue Agriades orbitulus, Dusky Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus cacaliae, Cynthia’s Fritillary Euphydryas cynthia, False Mnestra Ringlet Erebia aethiopella, Damon Blue Polyommatus damon, and Grison’s Fritillary Melitaea varia.

  • DAY 7

Col du Galibier and Col d’Izoard.

Targets: Blind Ringlet Erebia pharte, Sooty Ringlet Erebia pluto, Peak White Pontia callidice, Alpine Grayling Oeneis glacialis, False Mnestra Ringlet Erebia aethiopella, Glandon Blue Agriades glandon, Alpine Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus andromedae, Silky Ringlet Erebia gorge, Alpine Blue Agriades orbitulus, and Mountain Dappled White Euchloe simplonia.

  • DAY 8

Depart Vars and transfer to Nice airport.

Stop north of Col de la Bonette for a last look at montane butterflies.

As with all of our tours, we want our guests to enjoy the very best views of the very best wildlife and, as such, we think it’s important to retain a little flexibility in the holiday itinerary. This means that we may choose to swap days around to take into account local weather conditions, or the timing of the flight or flowering season we find upon arrival at our holiday destination. Rest assured, we will ensure you visit all the best sites, and we have your best interests and comfort at heart!

*We’ll meet at the airport as this is a convenient travel hub for many. However, we appreciate that some guests may have chosen to come overland via rail to Nice. The main railway station in town is Saint Augustin, and there is a frequent tram service linking the city centre with the airport.

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